Two weeks ago, sick for three days.
One week ago, started painting our bedroom, at most a two day project and I was right on schedule. Then DD got sick and had to stay home. The day she stayed home I got sick. She recovered quickly (thank goodness because the tonsils are coming out tomorrow!). Me, not so much. I've spent most of the last four days in bed. You know you're really sick when you can't even sit up at the computer!
Next week, yikes. School starts on Wednesday for my children and Thursday for my students.
Luckily, none of this has totally prevented me from thinking about sewing and wardrobe planning! About a week after the new Butterick patterns came up (I actually found a few that I liked) the JoAnn's flyer showed they would be on sale in two weeks. I've been going crazy waiting for the sale, in particular for 5258.
Last year there was a lot of discussion on Stitcher's Guild about wardrobe patterns. Honestly, I had completely tuned out the fact that someone actually planned out one pattern that could work as an entire wardrobe until I started reading about last years SWAP requirement. I made it a secret goal of mine to find one wardrobe pattern that I would copy for my own wardrobe. THIS is the pattern. I've been analyzing it and figuring out fabrics choices all while waiting for the sale. Finally yesterday I picked up the pattern and realized I won't be able to completely meet my goal. The problem - Pockets. There are no pockets on any of the three pieces. I can't do that. I'm a pocket gal! I'll keep you posted when I've worked everything out.
I also picked up these.

It's not much but I've been investing in non-big four patterns lately.
Looks like a nice basic raglan T.
Like front, love the back!
Looking for something besides a basic gored skirt for knits. We'll see if this slight variation works.
Yep, you're going to see bowed blouses from me (I never got it out of my system last year and I still love them)! I got this one because it's for knits.
I purchased these as downloads from and it was so much fun! Within a couple hours of ordering I had the patterns and instructions in my e-mail box - without ever leaving the house! I had a minor setback because we haven't had a functioning printer all summer but the following day all was good and I printed my pattern pieces. I'll have to share more of that story on another post - this one is getting way to long.
Thanks for all the muslin advice. I did indeed shop the $1 table specifically for muslins and will be tossing them when I'm done. No guilt now that I know others do the same!
One week ago, started painting our bedroom, at most a two day project and I was right on schedule. Then DD got sick and had to stay home. The day she stayed home I got sick. She recovered quickly (thank goodness because the tonsils are coming out tomorrow!). Me, not so much. I've spent most of the last four days in bed. You know you're really sick when you can't even sit up at the computer!
Next week, yikes. School starts on Wednesday for my children and Thursday for my students.
Luckily, none of this has totally prevented me from thinking about sewing and wardrobe planning! About a week after the new Butterick patterns came up (I actually found a few that I liked) the JoAnn's flyer showed they would be on sale in two weeks. I've been going crazy waiting for the sale, in particular for 5258.

I also picked up these.

It's not much but I've been investing in non-big four patterns lately.

I purchased these as downloads from and it was so much fun! Within a couple hours of ordering I had the patterns and instructions in my e-mail box - without ever leaving the house! I had a minor setback because we haven't had a functioning printer all summer but the following day all was good and I printed my pattern pieces. I'll have to share more of that story on another post - this one is getting way to long.
Thanks for all the muslin advice. I did indeed shop the $1 table specifically for muslins and will be tossing them when I'm done. No guilt now that I know others do the same!
Regarding that wardrobe pattern; you do not have to give it up. Just put pockets where you want them. Welt pockets, In-seam pockets, Welt pockets with flaps, Patch pockets on the jacket if you do not wear the belt. I think Shirley Adams used to say, "You are the Designer."