Here they are, the Master Disasters (You're going to have to click on the pictures if you want to see all the gruesome details.)
New Look 6813
This is the canned muslin from last week really, it’s not the pattern, I didn’t interface the neckband and that’s a pretty crucial element to get the top to fit correctly. This is made from a very stretchy knit. I’ve read several reviews with this type of neckband/sleeveless style and the shoulder areas look really good. What are you guys doing that I’m not? (Besides taking your time and basting to make sure things are accurate. lol) I think I cut a 16 instead of my normal 14 to see if that would remedy the pull lines I seem to be getting at the bust line. Lesson learned. I’ll brush up on the FBA.
Jalie 2787
…I just have to laugh! First, I tried finishing the edges a couple of ways…most of which stretched out the fabric. Second, I’m thinking – it’s a knit I shouldn’t have to worry about my 1” LBP alteration. Oh wait, where the heck is the crossover going to cross over? Third, I’m used to just putting my garments together and using the instructions as a reference – I had to rip out the side seams more than once because the layers are wrong. You may not be able to tell but they’re still not right. As I’m typing this and wearing the top. I can feel that the armholes are too small. (In my defense as I was sewing this it was the kid’s bedtime and a wonderful thunderstorm hit all at the same time. Kids are up, kids are down, kids are up, kids are down…get the picture?)
Excuse me, while I go read the directions and work on some woven fabric. I haven't given up entirely on my white "sheet" blouse quite yet. Or, maybe it’s time to step away from the sewing area for awhile and tend to some of those household chores I’ve been ignoring. Better yet, maybe I need to do a little Karma Go Back To The Farma dance!
Hope you had better luck than me this weekend!
New Look 6813

Jalie 2787

Excuse me, while I go read the directions and work on some woven fabric. I haven't given up entirely on my white "sheet" blouse quite yet. Or, maybe it’s time to step away from the sewing area for awhile and tend to some of those household chores I’ve been ignoring. Better yet, maybe I need to do a little Karma Go Back To The Farma dance!
Hope you had better luck than me this weekend!