At first I was just plain busy, then I was busy, stressed out, and too tired to write. Finally, when I went to make a blog entry, I just didn't know what to say! So to ease my way back into blog-writing, I'll just let you read the pictures (one of my favorite pastimes). Luckily, blogger's block didn't mean sewer's block. So here are a few of my projects.

Well, school's out in 8 days (9 for the teachers) so I hope to get my bloggin' mojo revved up about that same time! (I made a fantastic 70's jumpsuit that I can't wait to share with you. Oh, and an almost finished tailored jacket.) Thanks all you blogger's for providing me with my daily down-time.
Well, school's out in 8 days (9 for the teachers) so I hope to get my bloggin' mojo revved up about that same time! (I made a fantastic 70's jumpsuit that I can't wait to share with you. Oh, and an almost finished tailored jacket.) Thanks all you blogger's for providing me with my daily down-time.
You school is out in 9 days!!! I have 4 more weeks! AARRGGHHH!