Well, not all non-sewing....My linen dress made it to the Natural Fabrics Fashion Show at the sewing expo in Michigan! Yay! I'm going to try my best to make it there IRL, but just don't know if I can. I don't even care if I can't wear the dress I just want to meet some online buddies! We'll see what happens.
I made it through the first two days of school. Another, Yay! Lots of improvements going on in my building because we are almost doubling the numbers of faculty and students. Somewhere in all the improvements all the desks and chairs in my room disappeared! Hmmm. Luckily after 15 years in this district I'm prepared; found folding chairs and already had clipboards for the students to use. But, the BIG news about the first day is that since there are three high schools merging into one (my) building this year, it is kind of in the spotlight (this is my way of telling you what's happening without all the the nitty gritty details - and they are gritty!). So, during an assembly on the first day we had the district CEO, a local DJ and graduate from the district - Basheer Jones (he was FANTASTIC, I was so impressed, and the students absolutely listened to every word he said), and Trey Songz! Ok. I'll admit it. I'm a music teacher and I had to Google him to find out who he was. But that's not that important. What is important is the students knew him, went crazy when he walked on stage, and were absolutely attentive when he spoke. He purposely didn't not perform so the students would absorb what he said. Very few people in the school even know this, but in one of the classrooms, that just happened to be next to my room, he autographed the whiteboard. I just thought that was so cool! Of course, I immediately snapped a picture with my phone! I'm sure it will be erased soon.
Forgot to mention earlier that my DD broke another arm...at camp...in Pennsylvania. It didn't require surgery but was bad enough that 1. everyone knew it was broken, no questions, 2. one of the counselor's threw up after she saw it (no blood, just a really abnormal shaped arm!) 3. it required an ambulance ride from PA to Cleveland.

Must stop now. I had no idea how long my last post was! Way too many words-lol! Hopefully sewing, or at least blogging, will be worked into my routine soon and I'll have a few sewing-related items to share!
lovely combination of colors. Ouch about your daughter's arm and a speedy recovery. What a great start to the school year for the students.